I don't believe there are beings hiding in the dark, waiting to steal out eyes, or hearts, or your ribs. I don't believe in vampires, or werewolves, or witches. I don't believe in Golems, I don't believe in the Oni, and I don't believe in Imps.
I also don't believe in gods.
I did, when I was a child. I did, when I was in college. But sometime after that, I just stopped believing. I think it was because I disagreed with my father on so many things.
My father was an engineer. He worked for a very reputable oil company for years. So, for all intents and purposes, it sounded like he was a man of science.
But he believed in god.
I can't understand how a man of science could believe in a magical being, sitting in the skies, altering our lives, guiding it, and ensuring that it came to its logical conclusion.
My relationship with my father was not exactly ideal. One of the consequences of that was the fact that I stopped believing in god. It’s one of the better things that came out of that relationship.
But, enough about me and my father. Enough about how I came not to believe in god. All that was just to let you know how I came into atheism.
Atheism, for all intents and purposes, is the only logical place to be in.
Religion came into existence some 3,00,000 years ago.
But, what before that?
The people who existed before that time, who did they worship? Did they worship anyone at all?
Religion, like language, is an invention of man. It was created, by people, only a few years ago.
Heck, even before, when there were the dinosaurs roamed the earth, the Tyrannosaurus, the Velociraptors, the Megalosaurus, or the Megladon, what did the gods look like back then? Did they look like dinosaurs? Or did they look human even then?
Years from now, when humans are extinct, and another species lives on earth, a species that is completely different from us, different in behavior, different in thought, different in attitude, will the gods look like them? Or will they still look human?
It’s rather narcissistic to think that we are at the center of all of this, that the gods are doing all this for us. I’m sure this is what people felt like, back in the day, when they believed the earth was at the center of the universe. It’s stupid thinking, it helps no one, and it’s detrimental to our growth as a people.
Frankly, I’m not the sharpest pencil in the box. There are a million other people, much smarter and much more articulate than I am. And yet, for someone like me, it’s kind of obvious that god isn’t real. So, it’s hard for me to understand why others can’t understand this.
I don’t have friends. So, it’s hard for me to talk to people, to theists, about this. If I could, though, I don’t think there would be much of a conversation. Nothing that they could say (at least in my imagination) would be enough to convince me of this magical being sitting in the sky pupetteering each and every one of all of our actions.
Seems like a waste.
I’m rambling.
I’ve rambled for five hundred words now, and not really said anything concrete. I was just trying to write out a feeling I had. I’m hoping I write better about this, in the future.
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Slacker. Occasionally, writer of comics. Creator of the Aadhira Mohi and Ayudh comics. I also podcast at the Gutter Space and write short fiction elsewhere.
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